I’ve been wanting to blog about this for a while now. And now that I have finally got the time, I’m doing it.
So it’s about my patient. And how her stupid significant other messed with the wrong guy. As you can see, I hate the living hell out of that guy, due to some reasons I can’t mention.
Once, I was facebooking. And my patient posted a status. Which I saw that her stupid boyfriend commented on. Below is the picture of what happened.
Explanation :
So my patient wrote a status saying “You always want the ones you can’t get”.
And then her stupid boyfriend said “eventually you’ll get the better one”
From my perspective and what it really means, that means that my patient got something she didn’t ask for and didn’t want, which is her stupid boyfriend. And that she wants a better boyfriend. And then her stupid boyfriend said that she would eventually get the better one. Which literally means, that he realized that he’s gonna be left for another better guy.
And I totally agree with that. Hence the reply. I said, “well said?”. The question mark was there because I didn’t really wanna seem that I actually agree something that he says. But then again. What he thinks is not what my patient and I thought. He thought that the status was just at random. Again, hence, the stupid boyfriend.
But then, I realized something. My name and his name, said together, it sounds the same. So, obviously, EW! And then I quickly said “NOT RELATED”, which meant that I am NOT RELATED TO HIM. I didn’t mean that the status was NOT RELATED TO ME. Which I know, it was related to me, if it was related to him as I am a shrink and he is my subject of murder.
He did the biggest mistake of his life. He messed with the wrong guy. He said “ofcoz not related to u”. I couldn’t say much because my patient begged me not to do anything ‘dangerous’. So I followed her. BIGGEST mistake of MY life.
So then I said that he has no idea on how related it was to me. And then, he just turned hiself into a walking dead body, and said “well braniac, maybe u got too much ideas”. Ignoring the atrocious, ugly and bad grammar, I got fired up. You have no idea how fired up I was. I was so fired up. Fired up, baby! Fire, all over! AAARGH!!! Bodo punya setan!
And then my patient asked her best friend and roommate to stop us. Well, Jimah, as much as I appreciated it, it was useless. The hatred I have towards him, is as much as I hate Britney, Paris and Jessica all put together.
Getting angry and angrier and angrier by the minute, I had to be gentle and I couldn’t use harsh words like fuck, asshole or put-together – fucking asshole. As much as I wanted to, I just couldn’t because I was begged by my patient to not do that. So I just said “well daft, at least my ideas are better than yours”. As you can see, I could have clicked on the comment button after writing “oops, it least I have ideas”. But I didn’t due to some private reasons. Ooopsie. LOL.
And thennnnnn…………………
The ugly, daft, stupid, dimwitted did it again…… ON THE SAME EFFIN’ NIGHT!!!!!
There was this note that my sister posted entitled “What am I to you?”, which was dedicated to her other friend.
I commented on the post, as a joke, and said “my patient?”. And my patient replied, saying “not you, ‘you’. NEXT”, wanting that friend to notice it was for him. And what she meant was, it wasn’t for me, but it was for that other male friend and yet without a doubt, it was related to me because I am the only one in this country who knows about her problem.
But that was way before the stupid boyfriend incident.
But on the night of the incident, he saw the comment on the “What am I to you?” note and commented on it. Look at the image below.
My level of hatred for that assface went higher and higher and higher. IT said “aish again NOT related to you”, referring to the one before this one. The word going through my mind over and over again was ‘babi, babi, babi'.
Again, as I couldn’t say something too harsh, I just said “omg! go to hell la bugger”. The OMG was because I was surprised that he had the balls to mess with me again. And the go to hell was just simply because I was too sick of his sorry ass messages. And also as u can see, I should have clicked on the comment button as I wrote “it’s not related to YOU! and that’s for sure”. But before I did, my patient deleted that note and the comment wasn’t published. She deleted it because she didn’t wanted to break up with him herself.
And now, I am just waiting for him to make his next move, which will be his last. Until then, I am giving you people out there a message, “never mess with me, or i will hunt you down and kill you until you die a painful death. Literally”. So now, I am just waiting for him to be dumped this July.
are you kidding me? are you freaking kidding me???? well actually at this point, i couldnt care less anymore.