Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ok, so i owe her a post.

the event took place some time ago. i'm just posting this like it just happened. or it would be weird.

so she finally did it!
she broke up with the ignorant selfish airhead man!
she finally grew some balls.
yes, world. i am proud to say that my sister, Farina Harith, now has grown balls of her own.

*long pause*

i have to say,
i am proud of myself.
for making her do the right thing.
i mean after 2 years of wasting her life,
this was the best thing she could have done.
but obviously, she couldn't have done it without me.
i was the one who pushed her into it all.
yes, jimah did her part too.
but sorry, 'level-12-barn-buddy-person',
i convinced her more.
na na na na naa...

even though the method of breaking up was not what i had in mind,
(through the phone)
but i'm still satisfied.
what i wanted to happen was that...
she met him.
sat at a table, facing each other.
she would say "i hate you. you smell bad and you think i like you but i don't"
and then she would stand up and either shove a McD sundae cone into his nose or just splash a glass of water to his face, or his crotch.
and then we'd go party.
but u know what happened?
he didn't freaking show up!
he didn't show up!
so she called him,
and she said "eff you, bitch! i want a divorce!"
i only wish she said that.
but it was something close to that though...

end of the story,
sesiapa yang berminat kepada seorang perempuan Morocco+India+Cina+Arab yang tak berapa betul sikit, sila beri nama, alamat, bangsa, agama, no. telefon anda kepada saya.

sekian terima kasih.

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