Using only song names from one artist, cleverly answer these questions by posting on your blog or creating a new note on your FB page. Pass it on to people you like including me. Try not to repeat a song title. It’s a lot harder than you think. Report your note using the song title in your any of favourite no. Enjoy :)
1. Pick your artist: Lily Allen
2. Are you male or female: Him
3. Describe yourself: Everything's Just Wonderful
4. How do you feel about yourself: Who'd Have Known
5. Describe where you currently live: Not Fair
6. If you could go anywhere, where would you go: LDN
7. Your favorite form of transportation: Friend of Mine
8. Your best friend: Alfie
9. Your favorite color is: Chinese
10. What's the weather like: Shame For You
11. Favorite time of the day: Friday Night (LOL)
12. If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Everyone's At It
13. What is life to you: Knock 'Em Out
14. What is the best advice you have to give: Smile
15. If you could change your name, what would it be: Nan You're A Window Shopper
16. Your favorite food is: Not Big
17. Thought for the day: Never Gonna Happen
18. How you would like to die: Littlest Things
19. Your soul’s present condition: 22
20. Your motto: Fuck You
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